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Climate Activism: The New Religion

In recent years, climate activism has gained significant traction, especially among younger generations and those influenced by higher education. The passionate advocacy for environmental protection often resembles a fervent belief system, resembling a new religion for many. But why should we, particularly as Christians, concern ourselves with the state of the environment, especially when our faith emphasizes eternal matters over temporal concerns?

The Passion of Activism

The fervor displayed by climate activists, from college students to middle-aged individuals, is notable. Many young people are deeply invested in environmental issues, often viewing them as a moral imperative. They advocate for immediate action against climate change, believing that humanity is on the brink of irreversible damage to the planet. But we must ask ourselves: what is the ultimate purpose of this activism?

A Temporal Perspective

For those of us who hold a Christian worldview, the emphasis on caring for the environment must be viewed through the lens of scripture. While it’s true that stewardship of the earth is important, we must recognize that our ultimate concern should lie beyond this life. In the grand scheme of eternity, how much does it matter what we leave behind? As Christians, we believe in eternal judgment and the promise of a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1).

This brings us to a crucial question: when we die, what does it matter what remains on this earth? The climate may change, and natural disasters may occur, but they are not our ultimate concern as believers. Our focus should be on our relationship with God and preparing for eternal life, not solely on the temporal state of our planet.

The Reality of Scripture

Moreover, scripture tells us that this earth will not last forever. According to 2 Peter 3:10, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.” The earth is destined for destruction by fire, and a new creation will emerge. Thus, while climate activists may highlight real issues, they are somewhat misguided in their urgency and focus.

The Role of Faith in Action

This is not to say that we should ignore the environment entirely. Responsible stewardship is a biblical principle, and we should strive to care for the earth in a way that honors God. However, we must balance this care with an understanding of our priorities as Christians. Our mission is to spread the gospel, lead others to Christ, and prepare ourselves for the eternal life that awaits us.

A Call to Repentance

Moreover, we must recognize that climate activism can sometimes distract us from Christ and the central message of the gospel. The division and hatred that can arise from passionate debates about climate issues can lead to sinful behavior. If you find yourself caught up in this activism, it’s important to remember that you can always repent to Christ. Seeking forgiveness for allowing this distraction to take your focus away from Him is crucial.


In conclusion, while climate activism has emerged as a dominant belief system for many, it is essential for Christians to remember that our hope and focus lie beyond this earth. Yes, we should care for the environment, but our ultimate concern is our relationship with God and the eternal life that is promised to us. As the world becomes increasingly consumed by climate concerns, let us stand firm in our faith, knowing that our true home is not here but in the new heaven and earth that God has prepared for us.

And if climate activism has drawn your attention away from Christ, know that His arms are always open for repentance and restoration.

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